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Why Trees?

Trees remove carbon dioxide and pollutants from the air, can help prevent flooding, support wildlife and make people happy.

Trees are vital for humans and the natural environment. Trees remove excess carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and convert it into oxygen (O2) via a process called photosynthesis. Through this process they help to maintain a natural balance for our Earth.

Trees perform an important role in combating global warming by removing CO2 from our atmosphere. Growing trees lock away carbon into their trunks, branches and roots for decades or even centuries. When trees are cut down and replanted, and the timber used in buildings the carbon can be locked away even longer!


Trees are effective air filters. By trapping harmful microscopic air pollutants on their leaves and bark trees clean the air we breathe and improve our health. Trees also provide a space for people to relax and exercise, helping to improve our mental wellbeing as well as our physical health.


Trees provide crucial habitat for wildlife. Aphids on their leaves provide food for young birds in spring and berries to fatten adult birds to survive the rigours of winter. Their trunks provide roosting sites for bats and owls, their branches nesting sites for red squirrels, whilst their roots are homes for small mammals.


Trees help people in towns and cities by providing resilience to the changing climate. Trees reduce the risk from flooding from heavy storms by slowing the flow of rainwater into our streets. Trees also provide cooling shade in heatwaves and as natural air conditioners by evaporating water from their leaves.


Trees make people happy and are an important part of human culture. They connect people to nature and the changing seasons. Trees provide a sense of place and important landmarks. In many ways people are emotionally connected to trees, meaning they mourn their loss and get fulfilment from nurturing them.


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